Zetsuen no Tempest

The story revolves around Mahiro Fuwa, a teenager whose family was mysteriously murdered one year before and his friend Yoshino Takigawa. Mahiro is contacted by Hakase Kusaribe, the leader of the Kusaribe clan who was left stranded on an unknown desert island by her followers, and agrees to help Hakase in exchange of her help to find out the culprit for the death of his family. Upon learining of his friend's intentions, Yoshino joins him on his quest to stand against the Kusaribe clan who intends to awake the "Tree of Zetsuen" whose power can bring ruin to the entire world.

Several dialogues and plot elements in Zetsuen no Tempest pay homage to the works of William Shakespeare.

(Source: Wikipedia)

 Adaptation: Zetsuen no Tempest


Type: TV
Episodes: Unknown
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Oct 5, 2012 to ?
Producers: Bones

Opening Theme

"Spirit Inspiration" by Nothing's Carved In Stone

Ending Theme

"happy endings" by Kana Hanazawa


Ando, Masahiro
Hanazawa, Kana
Theme Song Performance
Shirodaira, Kyou
Original Creator
Oshima, Michiru


In both:
- Main guy has a trauma with his deceased sister and tries to find out things concerning her death.
- Secret clans/organizations that have people with powers.
- A "unidentified" thing appears on the world and it must be destroyed (Hell´s gate/Tree of Zetsuen) while at the same time, people who wield paranormal powers/Metal virus emerge.
- Main heroine is extremely powerful and her power can be for good or evil.
- A lot of confusing conversations, action and good soundtrack.
Both have a virus that kills people by transforming them in crystal/metal. Both have a main guy with a deceased sister . Both have two male best friend protagonists: a blonde guy which is a badass and a brown haired guy that does not wish to fight. Both have an extremely powerful girl with magical power as heroine, and in both the theme is "save the world".
Also both feature a secret organization lead by a long haired guy.

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